Quyao Zhi

Pitzer College, Media Studies and Economics


Run Out

Have you ever checked the screen time that you spent every day on your devices? Was that horrifying for you? And what about the charger, would you always bring that with you wherever you go? Do you feel not secure if not doing so?

Nowadays, people tend to spend more time on cell phones once we step into the digital era. Thus, people have less connection with others. In addition, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are feeling lonely and isolated. The mighty entertainment function of the cell phone can be used as a good stress-reducer and help people feel fulfilled.

My video project seeks to show that although technology makes it easy for us to learn about the outside world, it also tends to confine ourselves in a comfort zone and isolate ourselves from others. Excessive use of digital devices and the internet has become the norm, and many people depend on it. They may not even realize that they are changing their everyday lives to adjust their dying battery. I hope my short film could arouse our attention and reflection on examining the relationship between humans and technology.

Life is much more than the world within a screen.


Adeline Yu


Shirley Zhong