Anabel Kubabom

Pomona College, Media Studies


The Two Accra’s: Portraying the Multiplicities of Urban Life and Identities in Accra, Ghana

This piece sets out to critique the two contrasting single stories that have been formed through media portrayals of urban life in Accra. According to these single stories, one is either living a life of extreme comfort and luxury, or extreme poverty. The socio-economic structure in Accra is however more nuanced than this seemingly clear-cut markers of wealth and status that has been made more prevalent due to social media and western media’s myopic depictions of Africa. This visual album will employ the concept of shared spaces in order to give a more holistic portrayal of the flexible and complex nature of urban identities in Accra. The project is a music video which contains three original songs, spliced into a five minute soundtrack, interwoven with poetry in the Ghanaian local dialect: Pidgin.


Kayla Krilove


Jonas Linnman